Category: Microsoft Graph

PowerShell 7.2.7 and Could not load type ‘System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Cng’

The error is described in the title but what leads to this error? Generating the problem with Connect-AzureAD module When you have PowerShell 7.* installed and you want to install Azure AD module and connect to Azure AD, the install…

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TOTP globally available for Azure AD B2C

I wrote before a post about B2C in general, how to use our own custom domain thru Azure Front door and how to use custom policies. I prefer that you read these out to get clearer picture of B2C functionality….

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Old PowerShell modules vs Microsoft Graph SDK and MSAL vs ADAL

Two main thigs that I want to concentrate in this post are ADAL deprecation and Graph PowerShell but also little bit about tokens. Microsoft is deprecating ADAL and Azure AD Graph Just as a reminder to all who it concerns….

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