Month: May 2014
Type this query to find them: SELECT T1.Name as DatabaseName, COALESCE(Convert(varchar(12), MAX(T2.backup_finish_date), 101),’Not Yet Taken’) as LastBackUpTaken, COALESCE(Convert(varchar(12), MAX(T2.user_name), 101),’NA’) as UserName FROM sys.sysdatabases T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset T2 ON T2.database_name = GROUP BY T1.Name ORDER BY…
Connet session: $cred = Get-Credential domainusername $session = New-PSSession -ConnectionURI “https://LYNCFE.FQDN/OcsPowershell” -Credential $cred Import-PsSession $session Disconnect session: Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession
MS SQL is the backend database, yes. If you have access to the DB server, the easiest way to view/modify the table is via MS SQL Server Management Studio. – Open MS SQL Server Management Studio and point it to…
Open powershell and type: Get-Command Exsetup.exe | ForEach-Object {$_.FileVersionInfo}