Instead of generating a random name during OSD deployment, you might want to enter a custom name to your computers. This is very easy to do with a PowerShell script now that WinPE 4.0 and later support PowerShell. The method…
Yesterday customer had a problem with Direct Access and Citrix. The situation was … Direct Access worked just fine, but applications published thru XenApp didn’t open. The problem was that Citrix XenApp didn’t send Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) response…
With Exchange 2016 Hybrid setup, you might encounter an error while doing remote move migration. After selecting mailbox to move, the wizard gives you an error, that the “Endpoint MRSProxy” connection cannot be completed. After running command Test-MigrationServerAvailability -ExchangeRemoteMove -RemoteServer “ExternalUrl” You…
Today I was installing my new Surface Book and installed a clean Windows 10 Creators Update. When I tried to add Microsoft Account to sync the settings from the previous laptop I noticed something weird. Sync settings are greyed out….
Hi, When you try to combine Get-mailbox with Get-MailboxStatistics and export it to csv-file, You will get nothing from the last command. So here is a script that will allow You export the following. From Get-Mailbox = Name From Get-Mailbox =…
Hi, Last time when I had updated Polycom IP-phones I noticed that You cannot login from the browser. So You have to open menus from the phone and allow it. Dumn I must say. Option 1: In order to…
Add these lines to scheduled tasks and run-as System: Exchange logs older than 7 days:
1 |
gci ‘c:\program files\microsoft\exchange server\V15\Logging’ -Directory | gci -Include ‘*.log’,’*.blg’ -Recurse | ? LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) | Remove-Item |
IIS logs older than 7 days:
1 |
gci ‘C:\inetpub\logs’ -Directory | gci -Include ‘*.log’,’*.blg’ -Recurse | ? LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) | Remove-Item |
In Exchange 2013 this worked fine, but with Exchange 2016 You will get “Access Denied” for the…
Jos Lieben wrote a really complex script for automating Onedrive For Business provisioning. We have tested it and it works great. It has the following features. We have tested this script and it really works. Here You can download the…
Hi again, Today I found a script export users and licenses to csv-file. This one worked out nicely 🙂
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 |
<# Get-MsolUserLicense.ps1 makes a report of license type and service plans per use , and saves one Excel-sheet (CSV) per uses license type. Original source: created by Alan Byrne modified 20161006 by Changed separator from comma to semi-comma, fixes formatting errors whene displayname contains comma (very common). Changed: separate output file , one for each license type. Changed: added timestamp to filename. Changed: Fetching all users once, instead of every license type, givea huge speed boost. #> $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' # Makes verbose meldingen zichtbaar : Modify to your needs # The Reports will be written to files in the current working directory # Connect to Microsoft Online IF NEEDED #write-host "Connecting to Office 365..." #Import-Module MSOnline #Connect-MsolService -Credential $Office365credentials # Get a list of all licences that exist within the tenant $licensetype = Get-MsolAccountSku | Where {$_.ConsumedUnits -ge 1} Write-Verbose "License types are:" $lts = $licensetype| select -expandproperty accountskuid | Format-Table -Autosize | Out-String Write-Verbose $lts Write-Verbose "Getting all users (may take a while) ..." $allusers = Get-MsolUser -all Write-Verbose ("There are " + $allusers.count + " users in total") # Loop through all licence types found in the tenant foreach ($license in $licensetype) { # Build and write the Header for the CSV file $LicenseTypeReport = "Office365_" + ($license.accountskuid -replace ":","_") + "_" + (Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd-HHmmss") + ".csv" Write-Verbose ("New file: "+ $LicenseTypeReport) $headerstring = "DisplayName;UserPrincipalName;JobTitle;Office;AccountSku" foreach ($row in $($license.ServiceStatus)) { $headerstring = ($headerstring + ";" + $row.ServicePlan.servicename) } Out-File -FilePath $LicenseTypeReport -InputObject $headerstring -Encoding UTF8 -append write-Verbose ("Gathering users with the following subscription: " + $license.accountskuid) # Gather users for this particular AccountSku $users = $allusers | where {$_.isLicensed -eq "True" -and $_.licenses.accountskuid -contains $license.accountskuid} # Loop through all users and write them to the CSV file foreach ($user in $users) { $thislicense = $user.licenses | Where-Object {$_.accountskuid -eq $license.accountskuid} $datastring = (($user.displayname -replace ","," ") + ";" + $user.userprincipalname + ";" + $user.Title + ";" + $user.Office + ";" + $license.SkuPartNumber) foreach ($row in $($thislicense.servicestatus)) { # Build data string $datastring = ($datastring + ";" + $($row.provisioningstatus)) } Out-File -FilePath $LicenseTypeReport -InputObject $datastring -Encoding UTF8 -append } } write-Verbose ("Script Completed.") |
With Intune / SCCM Hybrid, after upgrading SCCM to CB 1702, you might see the following error. Android for Work shows its status as failed. Even though your bindings are OK in the Intune console. It appears that even though…