Hi again,
Today I found a script export users and licenses to csv-file. This one worked out nicely 🙂
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<# Get-MsolUserLicense.ps1 makes a report of license type and service plans per use , and saves one Excel-sheet (CSV) per uses license type. Original source: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Export-a-Licence-b200ca2a?tduid=(26fc5a009171934296bd78c7f4dd6590)(256380)(2459594)(TnL5HPStwNw-0Z3.3otQ5VeALpBrI1CXBg)() created by Alan Byrne modified 20161006 by p.wiegmans@bonhoeffer.nl/sikkepitje@hotmail.com Changed separator from comma to semi-comma, fixes formatting errors whene displayname contains comma (very common). Changed: separate output file , one for each license type. Changed: added timestamp to filename. Changed: Fetching all users once, instead of every license type, givea huge speed boost. #> $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' # Makes verbose meldingen zichtbaar : Modify to your needs # The Reports will be written to files in the current working directory # Connect to Microsoft Online IF NEEDED #write-host "Connecting to Office 365..." #Import-Module MSOnline #Connect-MsolService -Credential $Office365credentials # Get a list of all licences that exist within the tenant $licensetype = Get-MsolAccountSku | Where {$_.ConsumedUnits -ge 1} Write-Verbose "License types are:" $lts = $licensetype| select -expandproperty accountskuid | Format-Table -Autosize | Out-String Write-Verbose $lts Write-Verbose "Getting all users (may take a while) ..." $allusers = Get-MsolUser -all Write-Verbose ("There are " + $allusers.count + " users in total") # Loop through all licence types found in the tenant foreach ($license in $licensetype) { # Build and write the Header for the CSV file $LicenseTypeReport = "Office365_" + ($license.accountskuid -replace ":","_") + "_" + (Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd-HHmmss") + ".csv" Write-Verbose ("New file: "+ $LicenseTypeReport) $headerstring = "DisplayName;UserPrincipalName;JobTitle;Office;AccountSku" foreach ($row in $($license.ServiceStatus)) { $headerstring = ($headerstring + ";" + $row.ServicePlan.servicename) } Out-File -FilePath $LicenseTypeReport -InputObject $headerstring -Encoding UTF8 -append write-Verbose ("Gathering users with the following subscription: " + $license.accountskuid) # Gather users for this particular AccountSku $users = $allusers | where {$_.isLicensed -eq "True" -and $_.licenses.accountskuid -contains $license.accountskuid} # Loop through all users and write them to the CSV file foreach ($user in $users) { $thislicense = $user.licenses | Where-Object {$_.accountskuid -eq $license.accountskuid} $datastring = (($user.displayname -replace ","," ") + ";" + $user.userprincipalname + ";" + $user.Title + ";" + $user.Office + ";" + $license.SkuPartNumber) foreach ($row in $($thislicense.servicestatus)) { # Build data string $datastring = ($datastring + ";" + $($row.provisioningstatus)) } Out-File -FilePath $LicenseTypeReport -InputObject $datastring -Encoding UTF8 -append } } write-Verbose ("Script Completed.") |